
The Iron Duke

the iron duke engine
The Story of the Iron Duke, the most powerful and fast tram ever build.

As the XIX century was getting closer to its end, the second part of the industrial revolution was going to shine to its maximum around the world. And Barcelona was decided to be some of the beacons of this era, the city was preparing one of the most spectacular Universal Exposition ever at 1888. The city could have been known by "The city of Marvels".

Changes were coming to the tramway systems around the world, changes were so fast that  some names and inventions get lost in the fogs of history in just days. During this time the main power source of the trams were mules, and steam machines were in the way to change all the tram transportation system. But already there were investigations to use electricity as the main power force for the main engine.

Jules Verne introduced some strange ideas in the minds of the young ones around the world with his book  Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and the mysterious energy that powered the almost magical Nautilus. One of this minds was an Scottish boy.